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Climate ActionRoadmap


Welcome to the Climate Action Roadmap!

The Shift Cycling Industry Climate Commitment, launched in 2021, has been a great starting point and tool for companies in the cycling industry to take responsibility for their impacts on climate change. But we have to move the needle further and faster, and move from ambition into action mode.

The Climate Action Roadmap supports companies to identify and take individual next steps in their climate journey. It is designed to drive continuous improvement. It will also help to identify areas where collective action is required to move forward.

With the help of the Shift community, we will continue to mature the Roadmap with the latest case studies from within and beyond the cycling industry; inspiring others to get involved.   

How to use the Roadmap

The Roadmap provides cycling companies of any size with guidance on the steps they can take to move their climate agenda forward.


Companies are invited to self-assess their climate ambition and action according to the three stages of Bronze, Silver and Gold. This is to understand where opportunities for improvement lie, identifying helpful resources and case studies along the way.

The Roadmap is not a race. It is a tool to help as many companies as possible with taking meaningful climate action. As an individual company and in collaboration with others.

There is also no one-size-fits-all approach. This Roadmap proposes actions to push the climate agenda within an organisation. However, it won't be a linear process. Some areas will have low-hanging fruit, whereas others will take longer to master. 


The aspiration is for the entire cycling industry to attain the 'Gold' level by the end of this decade, transforming the sector from a latecomer to a proactive force, set up to achieve a Net Zero or even Net Positive environmental impact by 2050 or sooner.

Each stage of the Roadmap consists of four elements:


Business Operations 01.png

Business operations refers to the owned and operated facilities of the organisation, as well as mobility-related activities, such as commuting and business travel of employees. It also includes the training and mobilisation of employees working in the organisation.


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Product covers all activities and processes related to the development and sale of an organisation’s product or service.

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Transparency & Communication relates to the organisation’s internal and external communication efforts and stakeholder engagement.

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Collaboration refers to the organisation’s activities beyond their own business to drive positive impact across the industry and for the greater good.

We appreciate that these elements can have overlaps or blurring lines between each other. And that organisations may have their own categories to structure efforts towards climate action. 

About the Roadmap

The Climate Action Roadmap is inspired by the CO2 Performance Ladder, a recognised tool of best practice for sustainable development by bodies such as the IPCC and OECD. It also incorporates aspects of other industry examples, as well as the latest climate mitigation frameworks.


The Roadmap supports a science-based approach to climate mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C and builds on the highest and recognised standards for climate accounting and action.


We welcome any feedback, relevant case studies and ideas for improvement via email to




The Bronze level provides a starting point and lays out several fundamental aspects of your organisation’s climate journey. It identifies the first actions required, offers helpful resources to set your organisation on the right path and encourages engagement with important stakeholders along the way.

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Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 business travel GHG emissions are measured according to the GHG Protocol on an annual basis.

Tools & Resources:


An Energy Management System and/or ISO14001 Environmental Management System is implemented.

Tools & Resources:


All company-owned premises run off 100% renewable electricity.

Tools & Resources:


All employees have access to and are incentivized to participate in an educational training about climate change.

Tools & Resources:

  • For example, through Shift's Carbon Literacy Training (to be launched early 2024) in collaboration with the Carbon Literacy Project.


A way for employees to share ideas with team leads on how to improve environmental impacts of the organisation and its products is established.


Relevance and impact of current and future legislation is identified. Such as, but not limited to, those listed below:

Tools & Resources:




Environmental impacts are considered as part of every design brief for new product developments.


Ways to move towards lower-carbon impact products and processes are analysed and identified.

Tools & Resources:


Strategic relevant TIER 1 and TIER 2 suppliers got invited to participate in the Shift Climate Action TrainingAND to commit to GHG emissions reductions of their business operations.


‘Quick wins’ in reducing product emissions, including packaging, with strategic TIER 1 and TIER 2 suppliers are identified.


Impacts of packaging are reduced through using more sustainable packaging materials and optimizing packaging by size and material as well as number of shipments.

Tools & Resources:


GHG emissions of product transportation are tracked on an annual basis and ways to improve their impact are identified.

Tools & Resources:



Internal and external climate commitments are communicated on the organisation’s website.

Tools & Resources:


An internal sustainability committee is established and meets every quarter to discuss, commit to & assign responsibility for actions and to track progress within the organisation. Each major department shall be represented.


Actions are taken to help raise awareness about the need to tackle climate change within your own organisation and beyond.

Tools & Resources:




Relevant sector initiatives for GHG emissions reductions are identified.

Tools & Resources:


Your organisation participates in and provides resources to organisations and initiatives that facilitate and drive industry collaboration on climate action.



The Silver level helps make the shift from individual climate initiatives to integration across your organisation and to tackle some of your challenges through collaboration. By following the proposed actions of this level, your organisation will also be prepared to meet the requirements of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD) directive.

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silver busines



Scope 1 & 2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are measured according to the GHG Protocol on an annual basis.

Tools & Resources:


A double materiality assessment has been completed to identify material climate impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model(s).

Tools & Resources:


Internal policies to manage material impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation have been developed and put into place.


Reduction targets are set for each material climate impact and activities to achieve those are identified.


A GHG reduction target for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions is set in accordance with SBTi. The targets are consistent with the reduction pathways needed to prevent a rise in global average temperatures of more than 1.5°C.

Tools & Resources:


All company owned, rented and shared premises run off 100% renewable electricity. If this is not possible to achieve for rented or shared premises, alternative action plans for energy reduction shall be identified and implemented.

Tools & Resources:


All employees have completed a recognised educational training on climate change.

Tools & Resources:

  • For example, through Shift's Carbon Literacy Training (to be launched early 2024) in collaboration with the Carbon Literacy Project
    slver poduct



    A target to transition to more sustainable materials for every new product is set.


    Circular economy principles are central to every design brief for new product developments.

    Tools & Resources:


    A target to replace virgin materials with recycled or biobased ones within new products is set where a solution exists, and when it contributes to reducing the climate impact.

    Tools & Resources:

    Frog bikes and Riese & Müller begun to transition to using recycled aluminium in their production. Read their respective reports below:


    Life cycle assessments for strategic product categories and constituting minimum 50% of annual turnover are completed.


    A programme to support strategic TIER 1 and TIER 2 suppliers in their transition to renewable energy facilities is established.

    Tools & Resources:


    Procurement policy includes clear incentives for strategic TIER 1 and TIER 2 suppliers to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

    Tools & Resources:


    All product packaging is made from environmentally preferred materials.

    Tools & Resources:


    Measures are put into place to ship products using modes of transport with less impact (e.g. avoid and minimise product distribution by air).

    silver transp



    The policies to manage material impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation are disclosed on the website.


    Potential financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities are disclosed.


    An annual sustainability report is published, ideally in line with GRI or SASB standards and externally verified.

    Tools & Resources:


    The report shall include but is not limited to:

    A) Information on energy consumption and mix.

    B) Gross Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 and total GHG emissions.

    C) Comprehensive reduction plan and actions taken towards this plan as well as resources dedicated to these actions.

    D) If developed, GHG removals and storage from own operations and upstream and downstream value chain in metric tons of CO2eq.

    E) If applicable, the amount of GHG emission reductions or removals from climate change mitigation projects outside the value chain financed through any purchase of carbon credits.

    silver collaortion


    Your organisation has scaled impact through supporting collective action through one or more of the following:


    Support industry collaborative initiative to reduce emissions across the cycling industry.


    Co-development of resources and standards, helping both individual organizations and the industry to make progress in their climate journey. Examples from within & beyond the cycling industry can be found below.

    Tools & Resources:



    The Gold level is about committing to a net zero trajectory. This involves ensuring that the reduction of your organisation’s climate impacts are an integral part of your day-to-day business and embedded within every product and/or service offered. It also builds on collaborative and collective actions to help drive systems change within and beyond the cycling industry.

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    A verified GHG reduction ’Net-zero science-based target’ plan according to the SBTi (Science Based Target Initiative) is in place.

    Tools & Resources:


    Company has shown at least 3 years of progress towards meeting the reduction targets set at the Silver level.


    Historical emissions are calculated and offset (Scope 1 & 2 and Scope 3) through investment in carbon removal projects (nature-based and/or technology).

    Tools & Resources:


    An internal carbon pricing scheme is established to support investment decisions and to incentivise achievement of climate-related targets.

    Tools & Resources:


    Sustainability-related performance is an integral part of incentive schemes for administrative, management and supervisory bodies (e.g. through bonus payments linked to climate targets).




    A life cycle assessment for each new product release is completed.


    All new products are ‘made to be remade’, meaning they can be completely recycled after use and the material can be reused.

    Tools & Resources:


    No virgin material is used for new products. Exceptions can be possible in case virgin materials can prove meaningful environmental benefits over non-virgin alternative.


    Every product comes with a digital product passport to include emissions footprint, support for lifetime extension and instructions for end of life disposal.


    Schemes to prolong the life cycle of each product are put into place.

    Tools & Resources:


    Partnerships and initiatives with suppliers are established to support them in driving down GHG emissions and to move to low carbon production sites and processes.


    The transition to more sustainable transportation is actively supported through engaging with logistics partners and initiatives.

    Tools & Resources:




    Reporting includes historical emissions and actions taken to address these (current and/or planned).


    Product carbon impacts are disclosed as part of product information.


    It is disclosed how the internal carbon pricing scheme support decision making and incentivise the implementation of climate-related policies and targets.



    Your organisation has scaled impact through supporting collective action through one or more of the following:


    Collaboration with others in the industry to uncover and scale solutions to the greatest impacts of the industry. This can be done through co-funding, prototyping and scaling innovative approaches.

    Examples can be found below...

    Tools & Resources:


    Engagement in private-public collaboration to create the conditions necessary for the transition of all partners along the value chain.

    Tools & Resources:


    Help create innovative and collaborative financing mechanisms which fund long-term sustainable development projects using private capital.

    Examples below...

    Tools & Resources:


    Collaborate across industries to tackle systemic issues beyond the cycling industry to support transition towards net zero and a circular economy.

    Tools & Resources:

    North Star

    The next level: Net positive impact

    Shift Cycling Culture’s vision is a future where cyclists can satisfy their desire for adventure, speed, innovation and design while having a net positive impact on the state of our planet.

    This is no small feat. 


    Being net positive means that we must not only reduce harm to the environment, but give back more than we take out. 


    Having a net positive impact requires us to come up with new ways of doing things. New ways for businesses to still be profitable, whilst putting society and the environment first. And new, innovative ways that allow for the production of our beloved bikes and gear to remove emissions from the air instead of releasing them.

    It will also require the development of roadmaps that go beyond our current focus on emission reduction alone, including the regeneration of biodiversity and circularity. 

    We understand that having a net positive impact is not a clearly outlined objective. It is a level beyond the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels that make up this Climate Action Roadmap, and even those are still being actively refined. 

    Yet we need to embrace it as our North Star. 

    Not knowing the details of the North Star level yet does not give us permission to lean back. Instead, it should inspire us to keep moving forward collectively, keep learning and develop as we progress. 

    We are an innovative industry with a strong connection to our environment and the potential to lead. We can figure this out.

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